Steve Rew has requested an emergency general meeting, arguing that the Sunday league's fixtures:
- are riddled with errors,
- have some teams playing only once others 3 times,
- are beyond repair
- necessitate a complete restart of the current season
To substantiate his claims, he submitted a hand-drawn match grid.
Upon examining his assertions and the provided grid against the Sunday fixtures, the committee has observed the following:
- The existing fixtures are accurate. The integrity of the fixtures is clearly demonstrated in the system's Match Grid. Click here to view. Each cell contains a date or result, confirming that every bar competes against every other bar twice, once at home and once away.
- The data in Steve's manually drawn match grid is incomplete, rendering any conclusions drawn from it invalid. Please refer to the graphic below.
- Friendlies and other matches were added to fill scheduling gaps and do not affect the division standings. The grid submitted erroneously includes "Other Matches" in its evaluation. See the graphic for clarification.
- With Sergio's B withdrawal from the league, its fixtures have been adjusted to a bye, with all scores recorded as 0-0. No other fixtures have been altered.
In light of the above, the committee unanimously concludes that there are no grounds for convening an EGM and disrupting the season. Issues related to league format, rules, and committee selection will be addressed at the AGM at the season's conclusion.
The committee is open to reconsidering this decision if requested by the bar owners.
The committee sincerely regrets that these matters could not have been resolved amicably and privately without conflict. Efforts by the committee to achieve this were dismissed. Nonetheless, the committee acknowledges Steve Rew's previous contributions to the pool league and the challenges he has faced in that role. While we question his computer skills, we do not question Steve's intentions or his dedication to the league's success. We cannot extend the same consideration to those who hastily called for an EGM and a league restart without fully grasping the situation's facts.
2024 EGM Official Statement